There are so many times I have said that I cannot wait until baby B does this or that, but the truth is I can wait. I can wait for him to walk and talk and all those things that lie ahead. For now I love him just as he is, a sweet chubby baby who coos and sighs and yawns in ways that melt my heart. And the giggle, forget about it!
The other day as we played with his toys while he was on his tummy, I watched him push up on his chunky little arms and kick his legs and thought that soon he would be crawling. My husband says he told me this was coming, but I am somehow in denial each time he does something new that the next something new is right on the horizon. So we moved to baby sit ups like we always do and sometimes he pushes all the way to standing. My boy is strong! Having no real frame of reference for baby strength this is my perception, but a few others have confirmed it as well.
I decided to see if he could sit without any help from me. This milestone is unassisted sitting. I let go and leaned forward slightly to rest on his hands to steady himself. To my surprise he did not topple over like he usually does. He miraculously and simply just sat there. I called to his father and said, “Look look, he is sitting.” Sure enough he looked up at his dad and smiled. He knew he had accomplished something new and special.
We all smiled. This was really impressive. Our baby can sit all by himself. Now we still have to get him into his seated position. I cannot imagine what it will be like when he sits up on his own.
Rolling is old news. We have seen him roll from belly to back since he was 3 weeks old. Yes that is right, our baby is amazing. We have it on video. I nearly showed our pediatrician when she laughed when I told her that he could roll, but I saved that as a special gift to myself. Only a few close family members and friends knew our baby was amazing and that was just fine with me.
When I think about all the milestones he has reached over the past 5 months I am amazed. It is just as astonishing as looking at his tiny sleeper that he wore home from the hospital. They grow up so fast. You hear that all the time for a reason because it is true. Watching them grow and change is like watching a miracle, but if I could take a minute to freeze time I would do that here and there just to make sure I take it all in and remember how I felt in that moment. The amazement, the wonder, the pride, the joy!
I will always remember that on April 19, 2012 at 3:57pm my son Brenton, just sat there!