A week ago my second son made his world debut. In dramatic fashion my water broke just as I was stepping out of the car following my friend Alison's wedding. I had been having contractions all day but they were weak and intermittent. For weeks people said how funny it would be if I went into labor at the wedding to which I responded...no it wouldn't!
Still I made it through the wedding and despite vomiting on the floor moments prior to the ceremony it was a wonderful evening. I had no idea within hours I would be holding my Emerson.
After my water broke I called Monica to come. I called my parents as well to let them know it was time and they were shocked and excited because at 38 weeks we just did not expect it. I did not have a bag packed or the carseat in the car.
Nevertheless Emerson picked his birthday. Unlike the planned birth I experienced with Brenton this was different. This was what I wanted. It was still possible I might have a vbac but either way he was coming.
When I called the midwife she said it was ok to wait to come to the hospital so I showered and we all went to bed. I was having mild contractions 6 minutes apart for 20 seconds. Nothing serious. I woke up a few times but I was starting to wonder when everything would begin.
The next day we went to the hospital and they conformed my water had broken and also that I was not at all dilated. It was clear that since my water had broken more than 12 hours ago and my contractions had stopped an d that induction was not an option that it would be another c section.
Surprisingly the news was not disheartening. I was alright because I had experienced contractions and my water breaking. I tried and so did he. Also the doctor I wanted was in call. She delivered Brenton. I was relieved.
At 3:30 everything moved quickly and we were in the OR. There was a spinal and ot was the same sterile environment where Brenton was born but I had been through this before...or so I thought.
This experience was completely different. I felt things including pain that I did not feel with Brenton. It was visceral. This was much more of what I thought birth would be. There was pulling and pushing and pressure and sounds and smells that I didn't experience before. I remember them saying his head was out and then I heard the cries and they were strong.
The drape was dropped and I saw my son. I really saw him. He was screaming and beautiful and after they cleaned him up they brought him to my chest and I held him there kissing his face and holding him close. It was perfect.
He stayed in the room while they finished up but due to some pain they had to give me something that meant I couldn't hold him any longer. That he never left me made everything ok and his father was there too. It was exactly as it should be.
In recovery he nursed. I did not have to wait and neither did he. He was a sleepy nurser and was for the next few days and still is at times.
He had his first bath right there with me and his Aunt Monica was there too so Rolston could go to Brenton and come back for the night. To experience things I missed before was simply amazing.
Then we were up in the room and we both slept. He was an angel. He was so different from his brother. I see the similarities but I also see the differences. I see differences in their personalities and their looks and especially in their birth stories. I treasure them because my boys are uniquely themselves.
I love Emerson. I love Brenton. I love Rolston. All with my whole heart. I am surrounded by my wonderful men. I am the luckiest girl in the world!