Growing up I was almost like an only child. My brother is 16 years my senior so by the time I was two I was the only child in the house. I longed for a sister who was close to my age but it wasn't meant to be. In my later years I made spectacular friends and some would become close like sisters. Still I knew I wanted my children to have siblings.
Watching Rolston and his sister after the death of their mother solidified that I wanted my children to have siblings. We always said if we had children we wanted at least two. Now I am sure we want three and if it was twins for our last go round we would embrace that as well. We will require a mini van in the future and that is a day I look forward to as a sign that our family is complete.
When Emerson arrived we were uncertain how Brenton would react. He has had us all to himself for two and a half years after all. We prepared him as best we could. A specially ordered cabbage patch doll with a similar skin tone to his was our way to introduce the idea of a new baby. Then his father pointing out babies everywhere they went and explaining his special new role as a big brother.
Even with all the preparations we couldn't be sure how he would react. When the day came he wore his special big bro shirt and when he came into the room he stayed at a safe distance. He said no no when asked to meet his new brother. Then moments later he was close and talking to him.
Brenton sat with his brother and father on the bed and they all got to know each other a little better. It was amazing to sit and watch. When we came home Brenton was attentive and very protective. He still is.
When Emerson cries he is right there trying to find the paci or simply saying "oh no" again and again. Brenton is so empathetic. He wants to hold his brother and kiss his brother. He is gentle and kind with him.
I know this may change with time and sibling rivalry may take hold but for now in these early days of their relationship I am taken aback by how wonderful they are together. Perhaps to reward his brother for all the love, Emerson gave Brenton his very first real smile. It is a moment I will never forget.
Emerson was sitting in his bouncy seat and Brenton was kneeling smiling at his brother and it happened. The lips curled up and the lips parted slightly and he smiled a big toothless smile. I said excitedly, "Brenton he is smiling at you. Your brother is smiling at you." Brenton clapped his hands and laughed and put his head on his brother and hugged him. It was one of the happiest moments in my life!
Although I did not grow up with a sibling close in age, my sons will and no matter what happens they will always have each other. Watching them is a joy. As our family grows I will continue to relish all the wonderful moments my children share as siblings!