Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This week has been all about giving new things a shot. Baby B spent some time outside.  It was his first time being outside in the air and sun for more than the time it takes to get from the house to the car and from the car to whatever indoor place where we were headed.  He liked it, but it was windy so it did not last too long. I decided I cannot wait for spring, so he can play outside in the grass and immediately realized we need to reseed the lawn and get our lawnmower serviced.

We tried a new position for tummy time on the couch facing out. He tolerated it far longer than the floor method. He must like the view. So we also rotated his position when he lays on the couch.  He promptly rolled onto his side from his back which made me realize we have a whole basket of toys that he was not ready to play with a few weeks ago, but we might want to check and see what he might like now. 

The ball Grammie bought for him is a big hit.  It is large and geodesic in nature and he desperately tries to fit it in his mouth although it will not fit not one little bit.  The drums he got for Christmas from his aunt, uncle and cousins are also new and exciting.  They play music on their own. He cannot push down hard enough to make sounds but he waves his arms up and down as if to play them. His father does it and he is turning into a wonderful mimic. That made me realize he might like the monkey I bought him before he was born on the day we learned our baby was a boy. He did.  He likes it better when his daddy does a funny monkey voice.

Brenton also tried some assisted sitting.  We discovered he fits perfectly in the corner of the couch and is happy as a clam just relaxing.  Next we tried sitting in the highchair.  He really enjoys sitting up watching us eat our lunches. I think he appreciates being a part of the action. We gave him a purple and pink baby spoon on his tray to play with and he wanted to grab it, but showed no real interest in using it yet.  Thank goodness because mommy is so not ready for that transition. Then I realized soon we will need to get baby friendly bowls and spoons since certainly the one solitary purple and pink spoon we got for our niece when she was young will not suffice.

Whenever we try something new with baby B it seems to lead to some type of realization that a next step is coming. We must prepare, we must try, we must do or we must remember to prepare, try or do. I realize another thing.  The truth is I am never really prepared for the next steps at least not in the boy scout sense of preparedness. I just ride the wave of trying things out and feel the ups and downs.

This is not at all how I thought it would go, but again early on I understood I needed to soften.  I had to allow for uncertainty.  Baby B’s arrival brought balance to my life even in the upheaval of such a dramatic change in my existence. I realize life will never be the same and I realized I am glad it is not.

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