In the past few months so much has happened. My son has become an FGB. A full grown baby! He has four teeth now. I swore he would never cut that first tooth. He chewed on his hands and drooled and drooled and drooled some more and nothing.
He pulled his ears for a solid two days at which point I made his father take him to the doctor who said no ear infection he is just teething. So I thought for sure in a few days a tooth would appear. Nope, still no tooth.
I asked friends and family who all assured me it was normal and it could take a year or maybe more. It wasn't until he was ten months old that the first small white sliver of enamel made its way through that swollen pink gum.
Then not a month later bam three more all at once. It was a reminder how quickly things change. Now Brenton smiles at me with 4 teeth. Two top two bottom right in the middle.
I love these teeth not just because they were anxiously anticipated and not just because they are my babies first teeth but also because they mean he can chew food and he can bite with them and smile and show them and someday he will brush those teeth and they will fall out and the tooth fairy will come and his permanent teeth will replace them.
My son is growing up and I am reminded to stop and look at his no longer toothless grin and enjoy the changes no matter how small and look back at how he has grown as he approaches his first birthday. Four teeth amazing! My FGB is such a little man. Now if only he would call me mama.
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