My son Brenton had his first birthday on Thanksgiving this year! It is almost as if the last year was a collage of milestones, memories and many many pictures. I cannot imagine life without my turkey baby. He is what I am absolutely positively most thankful for this year.
He was born two days before Thanksgiving last year and his birthday will always be close to Thanksgiving, so he will always be my one and only turkey baby. I do not refer to him as such unless it is near the day of his birth.
He doesn't remind me of a turkey because he is such a lean baby. Perhaps if he was more of a butterball I would be inclined to give the nickname more permenancy. Still he smiles when I tickle under his chin and I call him my turkey baby.
Two days before his birthday he began feeding himself. Prior to that he would put the food in his hands and wave it around. Then finally after a pancake was broken into small pieces and laid out before him on the tray of his high chair did he make the connection.
I wonder now if he realized he was scheduled to shove cake into his mouth in two days. It was almost as if he knew it was time. When that time came he did not disappoint. After a round of "Happy Birthday" tunes and a candle to blow out, he had a plate of small cupcakes after his first real Thanksgiving dinner.
He started with a small taste of chocolate icing and then his eyes lit up. It was clearly delicious. He continued to slowly feed himself making more and more of a mess as he went then he furiously shoved his hands into the cupcakes and then into his mouth over and over.
It was exactly what I had been waiting for. I will not forget it. The feverish moment of joy as he devoured his makshift first birthday cake. Then he began to slow down and gave me the look. My turkey baby was stuffed!!!
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