Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

My town is the Halloween town. We have a Halloween parade and I am not referring to a bunch of kids in costumes walking in a line. Oh no this is the real deal with floats and marching bands and candy flying from all directions.

We took Brenton last year, but he was unimpressed. I think he was simply too young. Well this year was a completely different story. Dressed as Wolverine with sunglasses on and jack o’ lantern candy sack in tow, we headed to our neighbors for the parade. He was excited. He knew something was happening. There were so many people gathering. He was waving to everyone along the way and they just loved his enthusiasm and his adorable costume.

We arrived and went inside for a bit, but he was insistent that we go outside. So out we went and waited for the parade to start. He ran back and forth and pointed at the first group in line. He wanted it to being and so did I.

Then it began and he was entranced. He gathered candy and put it in his bag. After a while he was curious to know why the candy had to stay in the bag and began taking it out in handfuls. I distracted him with a lollipop. Well four actually over the course of the parade and the subsequent time spent hanging out with parents and their children. At one point Brenton was perhaps convinced he was in the parade and began marching and dancing on the neighbor’s driveway. I caught it on camera. Now that was a treat!

Aside from the parade the town also has a house decorating contest. We decorate, but do not enter the contest. We are not that exciting, but the winners are always quite impressive in their designs. Along the same line is our dear Thompson Street. Each year they select a theme and this year it was the Wizard of Oz.

To say it is impressive is an understatement. It is everything you can imagine about the Wizard of Oz and the magic of Halloween all rolled into one. We made our way to Thompson Street a little before 6 on Halloween night. The crowds intensified as we approached. The children and adults alike were filled with anticipation to see the spectacle.

It was better than I imagined. Greeted by residents and the yellow brick road we began our journey. Brenton was slightly overwhelmed as was I. There was so much to look at. The houses with the flying monkeys and the ruby slippers and the film projected on a makeshift screen on one of the homes. The lights, the witches good and bad, the whole cast was represented. A tornado was also constructed and the woman on her bicycle was high above in a tree.

It was almost too much excitement for all of us. Children were shrieking with delight as they filled their bags with treats and everyone saying Happy Halloween as they greeted one another. The crowd was just enchanted and there was no denying it. Everyone was enjoying themselves.

As we neared the end of the street we saw the glowing lights from a field of jack o lanterns. It took my breath away to see them all. They were meticulously carved and in the center of the display read Happy Halloween in glowing candle light from the transformed pumpkins. Rolston lifted Brenton as I took pictures. It was a marvelous end to our adventure.

We returned home and continued the fun handing out candy to all the children. We brought chairs to the end of our driveway and from our perches we went through almost three bowls of candy. Many came from Thompson Street and remembered our little Wolverine. He was eating kit kat and was very excited to see all the children in their costumes. He stole a few from our bowl as well. So many smiles they were contagious.

It was a magical night! I have always loved Halloween. I think I might even say it is my favorite holiday. I have definitely moved to the right town to celebrate and my son seems to be just as enchanted with it as I am. Next year we will have another little one to bring on our adventure to Thompson Street. I wonder what the theme will be. I can’t imagine how they will top themselves, but I hear they always do. I can’t wait!

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